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Immagine successiva
Earth processes and management of resources and risks for a resilient society
The Doctoral course of National Interest (DIN, XXXIX Italian doctoral cycle) in "Earrth processes and manageement of resources and risks for a resilientt society" is created to strengthen research chains at national level and to promote their participation in European and global strategic value chains. It falls in the general themes of “management of environmental, natural and anthropogenic risks”, “sustainable exploitation of resources”, and “building up of a resilient society”. Pillar of the DIN is the study of “Processes”, intended as all the natural phenomena and/or human actions that may impact society.
Earth processes and management of resources and risks for a resilient society
The Doctoral course of National Interest (DIN, XXXIX Italian doctoral cycle) in “Earrth processes and manageement of resources and risks for a resilientt society” is created to strengthen research chains at national level and to promote their participation in European and global strategic value chains. It falls in the general themes of “management of environmental, natural and anthropogenic risks”, “sustainable exploitation of resources”, and “building up of a resilient society”. Pillar of the DIN is the study of “Processes”, intended as all the natural phenomena and/or human actions that may impact society.

The DIN is administratively based on an Earth Science Department
The DIN is administratively based on an Earth Science Department with a large and international expertise in study of natural processes and related hazards. The added value will be to contaminate this original nucleus with expertise from Engineering, Sociological, Economical, Physical, Chemical and Medical sciences. In this framework, the DIN will contribute to the formation of a new, fully interdisciplinary generation of PhD students, enforcing their key competences and their capacity to transfer technological and scientific knowledge.
The society will benefit of these studies through three main streams: 1) enhancement of scientific knowledge; 2) technological transfer; 3) communication strategies and techniques. Enhancement of scientific knowledge will produce better understanding of Environmental, Natural and Anthropic Processes, which underpin their related hazard and risks. Technological transfer will produce benefits to the economy, also reducing losses from natural or human-induced disasters or improving the sustainable exploitation of resources.
The new communication strategies

Immagine precedente
Immagine successiva
The new communication strategies and techniques will strength the bridge from research to final stakeholders, intended as the general society, Civil Protection officers or public and private companies. The formative program of the DIN is pursuant with the new challenges proposed by the Italian National Research Plan (PNR) and the “HORIZON Europe 2030 Plan”. The use of such an integrated framework unlocks unprecedented opportunities for the formation of experts,
removing the fragmentation of information and strengthening a holistic
management within a multi-disciplinary culture. In such a way the DIN
aims to develop a common input exchange protocol among the different
thematic areas to ensure interoperability of models developed within and
across them.